Jakob Curry breaks down his artistry and what's next to come..

We love to discover new music and are so happy we had a chance to interview this artist. We asked Jakob Curry a few short questions about his artistry and what to expect next. Here's what he had to say..
Every artist has a unique story. Can you tell us a little about yours?
"I am Jakob Curry I was formally known as Lil Sauce Wrld I was born and raised in Greensburg Pennsylvania. I have been writing music since 2019. I am inspired by Juice WRLD, Dana Vaughns, and Russ."..
Who is Jakob Curry?
"I am a fast adapting, impetuous artist. I am not afraid to get out of my comfort zone. I don’t like to stick in just one genre. As a Christian Artist I want “souls over stream” (said by Gabby Callwood). “Be a fisher of men.” Of course I belong to the Christian Rap Community, but I want more than just christian’s hearing about Jesus and see what he can give. God has blessed me all my life and I am very grateful for every day on this earth. I not only want to be blessed but I also want to be a blessing."..
When and why did you start playing/making music?
"I started in the world of Hip-Hop. Than as I grew in my music career I have decided I did not want to stick in one genre. As I got closer with God the spirit kept poring out in my music. You could hear me wanting to exalt Jesus’s name. So as of now I am known as “Christian Rapper”. But i do not want to be just in the one genre of “rap”. I want to bring people from other genre’s and culture’s to God. “ Be a fisher of men.”"..
How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work? What's the best way to support you as an artist?
"I currently do have my music out on all platforms, except: soundCloud, and YouTube. I do plan on releasing my music on these platforms I am just not sure when. BUT, I do have my first music video out on my YouTube channel the song is called, “Always Thinking About U” featuring Dana Vaughns and Mehki Letreigh."..
When and why did you start playing/making music?
"I first started writing as an outlet/ a way to express my feelings. I had lost two friend in the span of two weeks, in 2019. I wrote the song “Blues” about Marissa and Payton. I had no experience with writing at this time so it was a mixture of genuine feelings, and fun."..
Tell us a little about your faith journey and how you came to give your life to Jesus?
"I was born and raised in a Christian family. In middle school I was in a denial and a testing of God faze. A year after eighth grade i repented and gave my life to christ more and more each year. When I turned 17 I decided I wanted to go to church more. A year and a half after that I got rebaptized. After I had started reading/studying more of my bible. I was still smoking weed after my baptism, but it was much longer shortly after i decided I didn’t want to smoke anymore. My senior year of high school I start running Cross Country, and Track & Field. I did very well for my first year of Cross Country I made it all the way to states. but while we were at the hotel room in Hershey PA I had brought a weed pen with me. and spoked the previous night of the race. Which led me to having one of my worse race’s since I started. Therefore a few months the track session came up. I decided I wanted to quit smoking for God to my remembrance it was Good Friday April 2, 2021. I had started talk to Sarah Faulk. And as time went by i turned me not smoking for God to, me not smoking for her. Thinking if I don’t smoke God will keep her in my life. But God had different plans. She didn’t want to date me because I was waiting till marriage. So I change my mind set for her. She took my virginity and left me the next day. This led me to have the Strength and will power to move out of my fathers house hold. And a few months after living with my Nana on my mother’s side of the family; I went to California to get away from all the temptations in Pa. I had sadly went back into the sin of smoking weed after leaving my father’s. While I was in California I was working on my self: Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually. I learned how to face my problems head on. I started gaining muscle mass. As well as started moving on from my last Relationship. And I started getting even closer with God. While I was in California i went to a few different churches with my cousin Dana Vaughns. The first church I went to I got prophesied to; the preacher had said that he sees be on a stage with a mic in one hand and a bible in the other preaching the word of God. At the second church Profit Lovy’s church. they had called up anyone who was from other states. And this preacher not knowing who I was ask if I was an artist, I looked at him with shock and said, “yes, I am.” He said he sees me going to further places than I ever imagined with my music. A couple months after I have moved back to PA and one day I looked at my Spotify and saw that I had 10,000 monthly listeners. God has taken me through the valley’s and above the mountain. God is so good, let me tell you. I have had an immense of blessing in life. I am so greatful for every day."..
What advice would you give up and coming independent artists?
"Decide your Artist name before you put out your first song suggestively your birth name depending on your genre of music. Always always always Network speak with people on Omegle, walk up to people in public, tell them that you make music. And always be positive/ be a good influence to others."..
What can we expect next from you?
"I actually have been working on my album “You” since January 15, 2021. As you can assume by looking at my previous albums I release my projects/albums in sevens. For this album I’ve decided to double the number."..
What does the number 7 mean to you?
"7 is God’s number and he gave it to us, “He rested on the 7th day.” 777=GOD."..